Contemporary Portrait Artist
122 x 122 cm
oil on canvas
BBA activist, guide and translator, Jubil, is a brave man. Fearlessly rescuing children from angry factory owners, he has suffered beatings many times. On 17th March 2011 he was part of a raid on a factory to rescue over 50 children. The factory owners and their mob attacked the activists and snatched the children back. Police and a local magistrate accompanying BBA left them to their fate. Jubil and 3 of his colleagues were badly beaten, only managing to escape when some policemen returned and distracted the mob.
Bribery and corruption often allow the factory owners to escape prosecution but in this case, despite a community leader trying to bribe Jubil to drop the case, the prosecution went ahead and the owner went to jail. Sadly many of the children were moved to other factories before they could be found and rescued.